6_13169_optMy daughter, like many children, is at the adorable age where she is captivated by the magic of Disney.  These days, our conversations revolve around the stories of the Disney princesses and the joy of Mickey Mouse.  Having never been to Disney World myself, I realized it was time to save for a trip to Orlando so we could experience the magic together.   We counted down the months, weeks and days together, until it was finally time. I didn’t know what to expect, but I think my imagination was just as rampant as hers.

Our first morning there, we crossed the lake on the little boat from our hotel and saw the famous, sparkling castle at Magic Kingdom. She started screaming, “Mommy look…,” and I couldn’t help but join in on the jumping and excitement.   Yes, it is everything they sing and talk about.  We rode all of the rides and met all of the Disney characters we could find.  Her favorite memory was meeting Cinderella, Mickey, Minnie and Ariel.  My favorite memory was seeing her light up with every hug, high five and autograph from a new character.

Even though it was hot, crowded and we walked five to seven miles a day, every second was truly magical and the most treasured time with my sweet little girl.  They’re only small for a while and I’ll cherish our Disney moments forever!

