worlds-best-cakeWhen I opened my mailbox a few days ago and fumbled through the mail I saw the “Clipper” magazine.  There it was, our announcement saying “The World’s Best Cakes”.  “Gigi’s Cupcakes is now your favorite Gigi’s Cake” with the amazing picture of the cookie dough cupcake and cake on the front page!  

I know it’s just a local little publication that covers my two store locations: Nashville and Cool Springs, but I got really excited!   This is big time for me because it means we are officially in the cake business! We have been working on a cake program for a while now and are about to roll it out to the whole Gigi’s Cupcakes family but I wanted to do a test here first to see what happens.  

The love I have for my product is overwhelming and sometimes surprising.  It’s almost like the love for my child (well, she means ten thousand times more but you know what I mean).   The passion I have for this business is overwhelming at times.  So long story short, we now have cake. I hope you embrace them and love the cakes as much as you have embraced and loved my little babies:  the cupcakes.  

Another thing that humbles and overwhelms me on a daily basis is customer loyalty and love for Gigi’s.   You all make my heart happy.

