“FEAR” by GiGi
I was recently interviewed on a podcast and the host asked my opinion on Fear.
He said , as an entrepreneur you must look at fear differently than others.
I answered him with my usual remark; I was given the gift of faith at birth by God. We are all given certain gifts unique just to us. Faith and Tenacity are mine. I look at at fear as an obstacle I have had to just learn to deal with. I go around it, climb over it, etc..
When I got home later that day I really pondered that question. Why is it easier for some humans to just “Go for it “ and for some to say No thank you. Im comfortable right where I am. Thanks though. Why is it in some peoples DNA to just fight fear and do it anyway?
What makes a Trailblazer different ? The person that will just suck it up doing the hard thing first plowing ahead for the team to later follow?
It’s a choice. Your mind is so powerful. You can choose to feel the fear but do it anyway. You can set your heart on a course and see something in the spiritual long before its in the natural. It’s just a knowing that some people are gifted with.
Here is my take on fear biblically:
God is the ultimate creator. He made us to also create. He also says in the bible
Why you are creating and living your best life Do Not Fear. He reminds us 365 times in His word. One for every of the week. So create and Dont Fear.
Then he sent his son to die on the cross for your sins so you have the power and you are also in Gods family. He also sent the Holy Spirit to work through you guiding you giving you favor and whispering to you. Im here to support you. You’ve got this!
Remember the parable of the talents? The master was going away and He gave his workers talents while he was gone. He gave some 10, 5 and another guy 1.
Well most of the workers used their talents and created more in turn. The one guy that had only 1 talent buried it because he was afraid.
When the master came home he asked, Hey what did you do with the things I gave you? The person with 10 talents did so well the master blessed him with more. The guy with the 1 talent buried his. The master said, you could have at least put it in the bank to collect interest ? Go away you lazy servant!
This is how I think God sees us and the gifts he has blessed us with. They are all unique gifts just for you then he gives us all the help to guide you.
We then have the choice … Will it be fear or faith ?
You hid your talent and did nothing because you feared more? How is this possible?
God made us to venture, wander and explore. That is what life is. One big exploration.
An entrepreneur is just one who chose faith and to step out of the normal comfort zone.
They looked at fear and said”naw, not today. I have too much to loose if I just stay here.
I choose faith.
The Best Southern Biscuits
Preheat oven to 375*
self-rising flour – 3 cups
sugar – 3 1/2 tablespoons
sea salt – 1/2 teaspoon
shortening – 1/2 cup
buttermilk – 1 cup
whipping cream – 1/2 cup
In a medium bowl blend flour, salt and sugar then add 1/2 cup shortening and blend with a pastry fork until there are beads. Then add buttermilk and cream and blend.
Put on a floured surface and roll out about 1 inch think. Cut with a biscuit cutter and place on a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Bake for 11-13 minutes or until golden brown. ENJOY!.